Life Skills

Life Skills: HIP4O: Personal Life Management

A dedicated team of teachers plan and teach the life skills program that runs two or three times a year which allows students to earn an HIP4O credit. It is a unique course that uses speakers, field trips, and classroom activities to help students acquire the skills they  need to make good life choices. Because so much of the learning is experience based, not like a traditional class, students must attend the class consistently to earn the credit. A point system is used to determine when a student’s absences will prevent them from earning the credit. 

In this course, students learn about mental health, finances, nutrition, sexuality, and  relationships. Officially, the material is divided into five specific areas:

  1. Research and Inquiry Skills
  2. Self & Others
  3. Daily Living Skills
  4. Personal & Social Responsibilities
  5. Economics & Personal Finance

Overall, students learn to show up to school, get along with each other, and get their work done. They also have a lot of fun in the process!