February 13, 2025: Student transportation cancelled, OCDSB schools remain open

All school buses and vans serving the OCDSB will be cancelled on February 13, 2025, due to poor weather conditions. For students assigned to public transit (Presto), all 600-series school routes and any school trips on regular routes will not operate.

OCDSB schools will be open. Parents and caregivers are welcome to drop off their children at school and pick them up at regular bell times. The Extended Day Program will also be open for registered students.

Learn more


Gardening Course and Program:

Norman Johnston has been growing its own produce for over 6 years now and has been providing students with practical skills to be able to grow their own food at home. Norman Johnston is partnered with “Growing up Organic” and “Just Food Farms” and will continue to grow real food and increase student knowledge of where food comes from. NJ recently received a grant from the “Whole Kids Foundation” to expand our current garden beds and provide more opportunities for students to play in the dirt.  Currently we have 300+ square feet of cultivated garden beds and three hydroponic towers in classrooms where salad greens and herbs are grown. See Laura for more details!