Social Worker

School social workers work from a perspective that acknowledges the links between a student’s home, school, and community life.  School social workers intervene directly with students, parents, and school staff to resolve / manage a range of social, emotional, and mental health issues affecting school performance. 


  • Assess the strengths and needs of students within the context of school, family and community 
  • Provide psycho-social assessments for systems class placements & Care and Treatment applications.

    Direct Intervention
  • Provide counselling to high risk students, families and groups to resolve issues affecting school performance
  • Address trauma issues with students and families
  • Address attendance/truancy as mandated under the Education Act
  • Provide outreach to students and families
  • Facilitate access to resources for students and families in need
  • Offer classroom, staff and parent presentations to promote social-emotional health

  • Collaborate with teachers, parents and administration to find effective solutions to learning and behavioural exceptionalities
  • Work as members of the school multidisciplinary teams
  • Work with community partners to plan coordinated services that will benefit students and families
  • Provide innovative approaches to building positive school culture

    Crisis Intervention
  • Help students, families and schools manage crises such as death, illness, or community trauma
  • Provide immediate response as part of Tragic Events Team
  • Conduct risk assessments
  • Conduct threat assessments
  • Assessments re: harm to self or others and provide intervention and access Urgent Care Protocol with CHEO as needed

  • Develop and implement programs for students, parents and school staff to promote a safe and caring school environment (Roots of Empathy, Second Step, Anti-Bullying initiatives, ASIST, social skills, Collaborative Problem Solving, Restorative Practices, etc).  Collaborate with community partners in the delivery of specialized programs (ie. violence prevention programs and healthy relationships).

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